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Willmark's Warband of Nippon
Just hit on another idea: the old Citadel range from GW had a boatload of Ninjas. I'm thinking the could make great, or at least characterful stand in for Duelists.

However these guys could work too: Especially for detachments when used as "Count As" for Empire.

EDIT: As I'm pulling this from the old site I'm looking to perhaps make these guys into a hybrid "old-hammer" style army. This makes sense I participate in the hobby side far more then I actually pay the game.

Messages In This Thread
Willmark's Warband of Nippon - by Willmark - 11-17-2015, 11:14 PM
RE: Willmark's Warband of Nippon - by Willmark - 11-17-2015, 11:16 PM

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